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and Personal Services

We do exactly as the name says;
we run your errands so you don’t
have to whilst also dealing with your
care and support needs via a family approach.


Errand Plus and Personal Services is a well-established and reputable business, primarily set up to help our clients with their care and support needs integrating with our errand running services. We set up the business initially due to a gap that was identified in the market as well as demand from many of our local contacts; more and more frequently we were being asked if we knew of a service that could provide care and support along with general chores and errands that was both flexible and affordable. Errand Plus and Personal Services was born.

As a family run company that prides itself on attention to detail and ability to build real rapport and strong relationships with our clients, no job is too complex or too large for us to handle.

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to suit your needs

Whatever type of service you need

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form in 5 minutes

We are ready and able to help 24/7

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it’s so easy to fill out our simple booking form now

Errand Plus and Personal Services helps businesses

Imagine a workplace in which all staff enjoy a working day free from distracting personal tasks. Errand Plus and Personal Services helps employers achieve this goal; enhancing productivity through the engagement and well being of their most valuable asset – their employees.

Services Helps
Domestic Customers

Errand Plus and Personal Services is on hand to make sure your life runs as smoothly as possible. Need to pick up dry cleaning? No time to grocery shop? Need an oil change? We have got your back.

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Services for

Whether you are a small or medium sized business or a large non-profit organisation or corporation, Errand Plus & Personal Services are here to help you. Experience has taught us that for every business on the planet, no matter your industry sector or type of activity, time is money.

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Services For
International Errands

Errand Plus and Personal Services don’t only work with clients in the UK and EU, but also many of those overseas who are based internationally. It can be difficult not to say time-consuming to deal with errands in the UK and the EU when you are out of the country which is why we take care of them on your behalf.

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Office Address
Arkitech House, Ground floor Suite
35 whiffler Road, Norwich NR3 2AW

Derby Office:
Office 44, Derby west business centre
Ashbourne road, De22 4nb


Tel: 01603319998

Mobile: 07429764452 

Out of hours: 07925583774

Errand Plus and Personal Services

CQC overall rating


31st October 2020